There will be over 75 paintings by 48 different artists, all paintings not seen in previous years. Most are works on loan from private collections and homes in the hilltowns. The artists are contemporary or deceased, famous and not so famous, as well as self-taught. It is intentionally a
non-curated show. The mixed media, skill of the artist, and their prospective is part of the magic.
Please join us again this year for this rare opportunity to see a slice of hill town art and history. Regionally famous painters will include George Gardner Symons, Steve Maniatty, Robert Strong Woodward, Edwin Lorenzo Elmer and A. Hale Johnson among others. A special feature will be paintings by Judith Russell, a longtime Shelburne Falls folk artist.
We will also have prints and reprints of some items in the Historical Society’s collection and reprints of old maps for sale as well.
Front cover